Wow, I really didn't expect anyone to go to this website...
If you're my neighbor, I'm sorry for fooling you into thinking I went solar. I'm just sick of these guys coming to my door so I just had to do something. But hey it's like putting up those fake security signs. It supposedly wards off people who are thinking of breaking in or whatever. Thus far, It's been wildly affective so I mean, I think it was well worth my $15! Anyway, I'm pleased.
If you're a sunrun representative or any other solar company, but mostly sunrun, you can rest easy knowing that your company's constant harassment has made me go to the lengths of buying a sign and hosting this page just to attempt to ward you off. Please, I'm just so tired of the excitement of thinking I got a package from Amazon or thinking there are girlscouts selling cookies only to be bombarded by your sales speech. I know you've got to do it for your job, just don't do it at my house.
Your neighbor.